About the fascinating world animation and moushn-design told students of Kiu Sergei

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In the assembly hall the Kazan innovative universities on Zaytsev, 15 the meeting with the head of CLIPS studio, the producer of multimedia projects, the expert in the "animation" and "moushn-design" directions, the graduate of Kiu Sergei Sergei Khurtin took place. Action is organized by the Center of developments pits of Kiu Sergei and design chair, and colleges and higher education institutions, studying design united students. Sergei Khurtin told about the career with what began video graphics studying, what difficulties faced in the course of training and search of orders. The speaker acquainted children with prospects of creation of career in...
Sergei Khurtin
Last position: Chief (Administration of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of the Ulyanovsk region)
Kiu Sergei
3D modeling