The Australian studio will remove a biopic about  Anna Politkovskaya

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The British actress Maxine Pik will play the killed Russian journalist and the human rights activist  Anna Politkovskaya in Mother Russia biopic ("Mother Russia") companies Luminosity Entertainment. About it reports Deadline. The plot of a picture will tell about human rights activity to  Anna Politkovskaya and her work on reportings on the military conflicts in Chechen Republic for periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta", and also about poisoning in 2004. Maxine Pik it is known according to series "Village", she also played in the movie "Club". The editor-in-chief periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta" Dimitri Muratov will be played by a star of "Belfast" Kiaran Khaynds, and  Anna Politkovskaya — Jason Michael Ayzeks. .