After state of emergency in a kindergarten the Ulyanovsk security officers repeatedly met parents

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To Ulyanovsk Region after the tragedy in kindergarten "Ryabinka" where two children and the tutor are killed, took place a repeated meeting of militiamen and officials with parents of preschool children. About it reports investigative management to SKR on the region. kindergartens "Ryabinka" in Veshkaym's working settlement once again met parents of pupils the head of investigative managements SKR Mikhaylov Sergei, the first deputy prosecutor Myaldzin Ravil, the Deputy Prime Minister Ulyanovsk Region Kuchits Sergei, the regional ombudsman Lyulkov Sergei and the head of administration Veshkaima district Tatyana Stelmakh. In...
Tatyana Stelmakh
Last position: Head of administration of municipal unit (Municipal entity municipal entity administration Veshkaima district of the Ulyanovsk region)
Mikhaylov Sergei
Myaldzin Ravil
Kuchits Sergei
Lyulkov Sergei
Kindergarten "Ryabinka"