The psychologist declared that Koronavirus can accelerate emergence of schizophrenia

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The psychologist, the author of the "As I Learned that at I Am the Autist with SDVG" Telegram-channel Donin Svyatoslav declared that Koronavirus is capable to accelerate the first manifestations of schizophrenia. He reported Russian information company "URA.Ru". "The Koronavirus does not cause schizophrenia, but can accelerate debut manifestation. For example, if the person lay under IVL and fought for the life, having thus an enormous stress, and his brain — oxygen starvation" — he told. The medical psychologist Dolgitsky Oleg noted that the virus accelerates schizophrenia manifestations at the people having to it predisposition. "The person who already could have factors...
Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov
Last position: Professor of department of medico-preventive faculty (FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY))
Dolgitsky Oleg
Donin Svyatoslav