The South Korean official urged to freeze gas prices and light in the country

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Gas prices and the electric power in South Korea should be frozen temporarily. It was declared by the head of the presidential transitional commission in An country Chkhol of CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 4 April during the meeting devoted to transfer of power from the incumbent president of the republic Mun Dzhein to the new South Korean leader Jun Sok Elyu. According to the official, such measure would help the business owners who have met difficulties because of high inflation. He also noted that it is possible not to freeze the prices, and only to limit their growth. The head of the commission added that because of "problems with import" coal from Russian Federation, South Korea is compelled to buy...
Moon Jae-in
Last position: President of the Republic of Korea (President of South Korea)
An Chkhol Su
Last position: Head of transitional committee of the elected president of South Korea
Shilov Yvan