Stanislas Pyatrasovich Pyekha called "disgusting" I poison children of the Russian stars

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In interview to the edition the popular Russian actor Stanislas Pyatrasovich Pyekha, answering a question, it would release the child on telecompetitions where "psychologically to children it is difficult when choose who is worse and who is better", told: "Everything depends on as far as the child is predisposed to any reactions". Stanislas Pyatrasovich Pyekha told that "observed, what persecution was to children of celebrities recently in "Voice" and other competitions". According to him, "it was disgusting – offended and poisoned simply that the person was born in a known family. And after all, as a rule, these children sang very well...
Stanislas Pyatrasovich Pyekha (Stanislas Pyekha )
Last position: Singer, poet, poet-song writer, stylist-hairdresser, actor, TV host
Sharlovskaya Lilia