Winners of Critics Choice Awards 2022
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Winners of Critics Choice 2022 — an award of the largest community of film critics of United States of America became known. "The power of a dog" (four), and among series — "Ted Lassus" (four) became the leader on awards among movies. Last year the main award was received by "The earth of nomads" Chloe Chzhao. The best movie "Avenue of Nightmares" "Belfast" "Vestsaydsky history" "The power of a dog" "Dune" "King Richard" "Lakrichnaya pizza" "Do not watch upward" "the Tic-so … BOOM! " "CODA: The child of deaf parents" the Best director Paul Thomas Anderson — "Lakrichnaya pizza" Kenneth Charles Brana — "Belfast" Deni Vilnev — "Dune" Guillermo del Toro Gomes — "The Avenue...