The national team Kazakhstan became the 20th in the mixed relay on EKM to Estonia, having lagged behind on a circle

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In Estonian Otepaa the mixed relay on EKM on biathlon came to the end, reports. Kazakhstan (Darya Klimina, Belchenko Elizabeth, Beletsky Danil, Sirik Sergei) with two additional cartridges and two penal circles took the 20th place. Belchenko Elizabeth did not go to the track. Biathlon. World Cup. Ninth stage. Otepaa, Estonia the Mixed relay, 4x6 km. 1 . Norway (Sivert Guttorm Bakken, Vetle Shosta Kristiansen, Tiril Ekkhoff, Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold) — 1:19.39,3 (0%2B7). 2 . Sweden (Yesper Nelin, Martin Ponsiluoma, Lynn Persson, Elvire Karyn Eberg) %2B22,5 (0%2B8). 3 . France (Simon Detye, to Kenten Fiyon Maye...
Simon Detye
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Elvire Karyn Eberg
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Zhyustin Brezaz-Bushe
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Tiril Ekkhoff
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Lynn Persson
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon