The president Armenia entered a position
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The electee on a post of the president Armenia Vaagn Khachatryan on Sunday at special meeting of parliament took the oath and entered a position. Armenia Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan the prime minister, representatives of ruling party, the Catholicos of all Armenians, transfers with reference to information agency "Interfaks-Kazakhstan". Vaagn Khachatryan was elected on a post of the president on March 3 during the second round of vote. He was the only candidate, representatives of ruling fraction "Civil Contract" voted for it only. The opposition boycotted elections. Representatives of parliamentary opposition also not...
Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan
Main activity:Politician
Levon Ter-Petrosyan
Last position: Party leader (ANC)
Vaagn Khachatryan
Last position: President (President of Republic of Armenia)