Linsberger won a victory in slalom at the World Cup stage in Aura, Micaela Polin Shiffrin — only the 9th

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In Aura (Sweden) competitions of women in slalom within the World Cup stage in mountain skiing came to the end. The Olympic champion, the Austrian Katarina Linsberger became their winner. Norwegian Mina Furst Holtmann showed the second result. The three of prize-winners closed Michelle Gizin from Switzerland. The double Olympic champion (in slalom and giant slalom), the American Micaela Polin Shiffrin became only the ninth. Mountain skiing. World Cup, to Aura. Slalom. Women. 1 . Katarina Linsberger (Austria) – 1.46,18. 2 . Mina Furst Holtmann (Norway) – lag 0,16. 3 . Michelle Gizin (Switzerland) %2B0,23. 4 . Vlkhov Petr...