On counters yamalets can complain of the prices and deficiency to anti-monopolists

@Krasnyj Sever
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On Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District the hot line to which inhabitants can report about a sharp rise in prices for goods or deficiency on counters earned. In a week 34 addresses here arrived. Who addresses more often and that the Hot line threatens violators works in Administration office federal antimonopoly service on Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous area since March 4. The head of managements Andrey Rogozhkin told that messages accept on all to goods. While by number of addresses Labytnangi and Noyabrsk are in the lead. Labytnangtsa pay attention that occurs in small little shops, inhabitants Noyabrsk are dissatisfied with network sales managers. – Generally inhabitants complain of rise in prices for products food and...