Mass media: General director JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAMPORT AERO" left a position

@Biznes Online
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Thomas Vayshvila, director general "Ramport aero" which Zhukovsky operates PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT", left the post. About it reports information agency "ITAR-TASS" with reference to a source. "Director general "Ramport Aero" Thomas Vayshvila, directing Zhukovsky from the moment of the basis of companies in 2014, voluntary resigned authority and there were structure boards of directors the air enterprises" — the interlocutor of agencies told. Earlier it became known that general director "Victories" Andrey Kalmykov Kalmykovpokidayet the position. "Today company is absolutely steady, on accounts there is a record amount of money, at us are absent...