The source reported about resignation Zhukovsky airport CEO JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAMPORT AERO" Thomas Vayshvila Vayshvilla

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Moscow. March 10. information agency "Interfaks" - General director (operates JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAMPORT AERO") Thomas Vayshvila leave JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAMPORT AERO", was reported to information agency "Interfaks" by a source in aviabranch. Thomas Vayshvila directed "Zhukovsky" from the moment of the basis of companies in 2014. According to the interlocutor of agencies, he voluntary resigned authority and there were structure boards of directors the air enterprises. Now the first deputy director general JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAMPORT AERO" Solodilin Eugenie is engaged in the general in management of holding, which heads the cargo operator JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAMPORT AERO" (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ZHIA CARGO"), the source added...