Days of science of a name of the academician Ovchinnikov Youri took place at basic school the Russian Academy of Sciences

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On February 24, 25 and 28, 2022 the Russian Academy of Sciences of MBOU SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 10 (Krasnoyarsk) passed Days of science of a name of the academician in basic school Yu.A. Ovchinnikov. The program provided: - viewing of educational films; - carrying out by Ovchinnikov Sergei , head of the FITs KNTs IF FITS KNTS WITH REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY, KNTS WITH REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY, professor, f. - m of N of lecture on the subject "Thermonuclear Synthesis — Our Gift to Grandsons"; - organization of panel discussions for development questions sciences and societies (experts Rossiev A. A., k.f. - m of N...