It is made in the USSR: Soviet equipment. From the vacuum cleaner to cars

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In a selection of pictures — radio receivers, cars, vacuum cleaners, TVs and other equipment which made in Soviet Union. 1 . Irina Korotkov as Prokhorova Helena in the movie Viktorov Richard "Cross a threshold". The unknown author, 1970, Moscow, from archive Kosareva Maria. 2 . In selmage. Kropivnitsky Sigizmund, 1958, Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, MAMM/MDF. 3 . Podium with bicycles. Kropivnitsky Sigizmund, 1963, Moscow, MAMM/MDF. 4 . First "Spidola". Yershov Victor Ruykovich, 1960, Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic, Jurmala, MAMM/MDF. 5 . 6 . Walk. Terentyev Alexander, 1983, Moscow, from archive. .