Organizing committee meeting about realization of the GTO complex and the actions dated for the 90 anniversary of the GTO All-Union sports and sports complex] took plac

@Minsport Rossii
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On February 28 the Minister of sports Russian Federation Oleg Matytsin held meeting of Organizing committee on realization of the GTO complex and the actions dated for the 90 anniversary of the GTO All-Union sports and sports complex (USSR). Head of department of realization of the GTO complex of Department of physical culture and mass sports Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation Sheozhev Marat, director general LLC "VMS SPEYS MANAGEMENT" Vladimir Konstantinovich Voytsekhovsky, the deputy director generals INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "NATSIONALNYE PRIORITETY" Osadchaya Irina, general the deputy minister of sports Odes Baysultanov...