China and United States of America appeared leaders according to patents in the sphere of aero mobiles

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The lion's share of patents in the sphere of technologies for flying cars belongs to the organizations from China and United States of America. About it reports Nikkei Asia.Po to data of patent department Japan, during the period from 2012 to 2018 1106 patent demands in the sphere of technologies for aero mobiles are registered. 444 demands fall to the share of the Chinese organizations, to a share of companies from United States of America — 399. It is noted that China for the first time bypassed United States of America on number of patent demands in this branch only in 2017. And next year twice more patent demands, than for the American companies were the share of the Chinese organizations. Among...
SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles
Main activity:Finance
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