Kira Yarmysh: we are not involved in disappearance of the witness Fedor Konstantinovich Gorozhanko who had to give evidences against Alexei Navalny

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The press secretary of the oppositional politician Alexei Navalny Kira Yarmysh declared that they are not involved in any way in disappearance of the witness passing in the matter of the oppositionist Fedor Konstantinovich Gorozhanko. She declared it on air radio station "Ekho Moskvy". On process which took place on February 21, Fedor Konstantinovich Gorozhanko declared that on the eve of it caused in SK and gave those evidences which he has to learn and tell in court. At the meeting he told that considers business against Alexei Navalny absurd, noted that as the swindler him does not consider, and also understands that after refusal of indications which investigator ordered to give it...