Unsuccessful experiment: Dmitri Lebedev gave an assessment to "Kirovgosleskhoz's" work

@Biznes Novosti v Kirove
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On last court session in the matter of Andrey Plitko the acting deputy minister forestry Dmitri Lebedev was interrogated. Besides questions of relationship Aleksey Ivanovich Shurgin (the condemned ex-minister forestry), other ministers and the former vice governor Kirov Region, asked the witness and about creation of KOGSAU of "Kirovgosleskhoz". Dmitri Lebedev explained that Aleksey Ivanovich Shurgin bore idea to create the organization which would provide reforestation Kirov Region, long, and Andrey Plitko supported. But who exactly was the initiator of creation of establishment, the deputy minister does not know. "Was...