To South Africa the request for providing information for participation in construction the research MPR reactor] is publishe

@Atomnaja energija 2.0
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Corporation of South African Nuclear Energy COR (South Africa) published on February 6, 2022 request for providing information (request for information, Mezhdunarodnoye frantsuzskoye radio RFI), concerning possible participation in construction the research MPR reactor. MPR (Multi-purpose Reactor) - the research reactor, urged to replace operating in South Africa the research Safari-1 reactor. The country government in September, 2021 approved plans for reactor replacement, and on February 9, 2022 officially supported the publication of inquiry of Mezhdunarodnoye frantsuzskoye radio RFI. With help answers which will be received on inquiry, the corporation expects to receive "crucial...
Main activity:Production of coke, oil products and nuclear materials