Complex check of operability of the regional automated system of the notification of the population] will take plac

@Tjumenskaja oblast'
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Dear inhabitants Uporovo district! On March 2, 2022 during the period from 10 to 10 o'clock local time and repeatedly will be carried out from 10 to 10 o'clock a technical inspection of operability of the regional automated system of the centralized notification of the population with interception of air of telecastings. Sounding of sirens means a signal of civil defense "Attention to all! ". On this signal each citizen is obliged to hear on channels of television TV channel "Rossiya", "Russia-24" and by state radio broadcasting company "Mayak", "Radio Rossii", radio station "Vesti FM" to information of the Main thing of managements Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters...