The most grandiose list of the best movies on genres

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List of interesting movies. 1 . To reach heavens 2. Did not kick yet the bucket 3. Where give dreams 4. In a pursuit of happiness 5. Diary of the Nymphomaniac 6. Irreversibility 7. Butterfly Effect 8. Beautiful Mind 9. Pride and prejudice 10. Green mile 11. Seven lives 12. The Devil's Advocate 13. Areas of darkness 14. Scent of a Woman 15. Always speak "yes" 16. Schindler's list 17. Dreamers 18. Forest Gump 19. Revolver 20. Fight club 21. Knock-down 22. Mister Nikto Spisok of motivating movies: 1 . Gladiator 2. Never give up 3. Fight Club 4. The devil carries Prada 5. The millionaire from slums 6. Towers Twins...