The opera singer ​ Venus Gimadieva will sing in theater performance of Dzhalil

@Biznes Online
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The opera singer Venus Gimadiyevavystupit on a scene theaters of Dzhalil. About it business e-newspaper "Business Online" was told by the actress. "In April I come to Kazan. We coincided at last with theater, I will sing Gilda in the performance "Rigoletto". To me called, offered. I hope, everything will take place" — reported Gimadiev Vener. Display of the opera of Verdi, according to poster TAGTOIB, is planned for April 16. It is interesting that earlier opera star only once acted in theater performance of Dzhalil, in 2012 the young singer performed Ksenia's part in the performance "Boris Godunov". The last time Gimadiev Vener acted to native Kazan...