The Kazakhstan racer Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko brings to "Astana" the first victory in a season | NUR.KZ

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The Kazakhstan racer Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko won a victory on the debut one-day Spanish race "Classics Province of Jaen — Internal Paradise" which took place on February 14 between Baeza and Ubeda, two historical cities which are under patronage Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures. Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lutsenko attacked solno on final part of a 188-kilometer distance, at first he undertook attack approximately for 50 km to the finish, and then, again for 28 km to the finish. This breakthrough also was successful, having brought to the Kazakhstan racer a victory on Ubeda's streets. "I am very glad that managed to win the first race in a season. Together with team I carried out two...