Results big-aira at women in a snowboard at the Olympic Games-2022: the Austrian  Anna Gasser won, Zoi Sadovski-Sinnott - Sinnott – the 2nd
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The snowboarder  Anna Gasser from Austria won big-Eire at the Olympic Games in Beijing. Olympic Games-2022 Beijing, China Snowboard of Big-Eyre of the Woman Final 1.  Anna Gasser (Austria) – 185,50 2. Zoi Sadovski-Sinnott (New Zealand) – 177,00 3. Kokomo Muras (Japan) – 171,50 4. Reyra Ivabuchi (Japan) – 166,00 5. Ge Rong (China) – 160,00 6. Melissa Peperkamp (Netherlands) –...
 Anna Gasser
Last position: The professional athlete on a snowboard
Zoi Sadovski-Sinnott
Last position: The professional athlete on a snowboard