Exhibition "Saint Petersburg through a prism of centuries" in Museum Dostoyevsky

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"Year of Dostoyevsky" was replaced by Peter the Great's anniversary - 350 years from the date of his birth. What would the known reformer if it was in modern Saint Petersburg tell? What novel would be written by Dostoyevsky, live it presently? Artists of association reflected on it %23khudozhnikipishutpeterburg. To plunge into the atmosphere of last centuries, artists do not need to invent a time machine. It is enough to take in hand of a brush and a canvas and to walk on streets round Sennaya Square. Almost at once before eyes images "Saint Petersburg Dostoyevsky", Yegorov Victor, Stepanov Sergei start arising...
Yegorov Victor
Stepanov Sergei
Yermolov Dimitri
Kolyshkina Maria