At least 14 people were lost, 30 suffered as a result of a landslide in the west of Colombia

@IA Sin'hua
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Santa Fe de Bogota, 9 February/Xinhua / At least 14 people were lost, 30 more suffered as a result of a landslide descent on Tuesday in the city of Doskebradas in department Department of Risaralda in the west of Colombia. About it reported on Tuesday local authorities. "14 people, among them two minors were lost, more than 30 people suffered, some is very serious", Arias Alvaro, the secretary of Government goroda Pereira, an administrative center of department told. According to him, some people are reported missing. The governor Department of Risaralda Manoel Victor Tamayo declared that the landslide was caused recent...
Manoel Victor
Arias Alvaro
Government goroda
Government Agency