"Hermione": "Harry Potter's" satirical version from Denisova Alexandra for Theatres the Nations

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Performance will be shown in New Space Theatres the Nations. 17, 18, on February 19, 2022 in New Space Theatres the Nations will take place a premiere of the performance "Hermione". The author of the play and the director Denisova Alexandra again addressed to images of mass culture. In the works she was already inspired by James Douglas Morrison ("Light my fire"), Harry Potter (" Potter Gary Leonidovich on fire"), Batman and Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev ("The batman against Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev"). Heroes of the play "Hermione and Schoolmates" — the glamourous director Potter Gary Leonidovich, the oppositional journalist Valentin de Mort, the fashionable writer Ron Vizlin, the oligarch Draco Malfoyev...