The prime minister of State Council of People's Republic of China Li Keqiang emphasized need of increase of a standard of living of people

@IA Sin'hua
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Lanzhou, 28 January/Xinhua / Premieres of State Council of People's Republic of China Li Keqiang emphasized need to fix and expand the results reached in fight against poverty, and also to coordinate measures for prevention and control over Koronavirus with social and economic development. Li Keqiang, being also the member of Standing committee of the Politburo of the Central Committee of a PDA, called for practical work on increase of a standard of living of people during a trip to the cities Jinchang and Wuwei / the province Province of Gansu, Northwest China / which passed on January 27-28. Li Keqiang visited various trade tents and restaurant in the market the Jinsanjiao/the city...