Kazakhstan: a month later after protests

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Moscow. January 28. information agency "Interfaks" - there Passed nearly a month since the beginning of active protest actions in Kazakhstan, passed then in the mass riots which purpose there was a revolution attempt. With help armies of Collective Security Treaty Organization the order in the country was restored. But what followed then? About it our special correspondent Terekhov Vyacheslav talks to the employee INSTITUTE OF WORLD ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS RAN, INSTITUTE OF WORLD ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS NAMED AFTER YE. M. PRIMAKOVA RAN of E.M Primakov Stanislas Aleksandrovich Pritchin, it is a lot of years studying domestic and foreign policy Kazakhstan. Simply pensioner - All days of tragic events in Kazakhstan his first president, "the father of the nation" Nursultan Nazarbayev kept silence...