Alkhas Dzhindzholiya announced affairs which its committee leaves in "inheritance" to the following convocation

@Nuzhnaja gazeta
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The deputy of parliament, the head of parliamentary committee of social policy Alkhas Dzhindzholiya summed up the work results in parliament on press conferences for journalists on January 27. He is disturbed by "transfer of affairs" to new structure parliament. The deputy doubts that the laws prepared by committee, amendments to laws and initiatives the present parliament will manage to bring to logical end. Therefore decided to sound them publicly. About creation children's crisis tsentranachal press conference Alkhas Dzhindzholiya from amendments which the committee suggests to introduce in budget this year. "Budget came with the big...
Alkhas Dzhindzholiya
Last position: The deputy, the Chairman of the Committee on social policy, work, health care, demography and affairs of veterans and disabled veterans (Parliament of Republic of Abkhazia)