Makarov Sergei became the head of administration Volgodonsk

@RBK Rostov-na-Donu
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The head of administration Volgodonsk appointed Makarov Sergei. About it daily business newspaper "RBK daily" Rostov was reported in the press service by City administration. It is known that the decision on its appointment made during the next meeting of municipal duma the Volgodonsk deputies. Earlier it held a position of the deputy head of administration Volgodonsk on economy. Besides it in the final competitions also left the first deputy of chapter of Administration of the Tsimlyansk district Nochevkina Helena. Before daily business newspaper "RBK daily" Rostov reported that after leaving from the post of the former head of administration Volgodonsk Victor Pavlovich Melnikov in December of last year, Makarov Sergei...