JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAYFFAYZENBANK" acted as the organizer of placement of bonds LLC "GROUP OF COMPANIES "SEGEZHA" of 9 billion rubles

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The international timber industry holding LLC "GROUP OF COMPANIES "SEGEZHA" successfully closed on January 20, 2022 the bid book on issue of exchange bonds series 002P-03R. Company intends to place 15-year exchange bonds series 002P-03R with the two-year offer and quarter coupons. By results of bid book closing the volume of release is increased from 7 billion rubles to 9 billion rubles. The final reference point of a rate of the coupon on exchange bonds makes 10,9% per annum that there correspond to profitability to offer 11,35% per annum. The initial reference point according to the coupon was established at the level of not higher than 11% per annum (profitability not higher than 11,46%...