Telegram Open Network declared creation of the Payment system

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Blokcheyn-platforma of Telegram Open Network, developed Telegram, and then replaced the owner, announced start of new services. Until the end of the year the project intends to let out own payment system and analog of the browser for anonymous work of Tor. In addition among new services of Telegram Open Network there will be a cloudy storage and service for circumvention of blocking. Everything can be integrated products into messenger of Telegram. Payment system can be used in games, also services will be adapted under work with cryptoexchanges, one of developers of the project in the project Telegram-channel told. Curator of the project, forbes...
Pawel Durov
Last position: Chief executive officer of Telegram LLC (LLC "TELEGRANI")
Andrey Rogozov
Last position: Vice-president for social platforms (LLC "COMPANY VK")