Myktybek Abdyldaev about renaming of SKM Ministries of Internal Affairs in GUUR: It is correct! It is necessary to return old names

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The ex-deputy minister of internal affairs noted that it is necessary to return names of all former services and new not to compose anything the Ex-public prosecutor, the former deputy minister of internal affairs Myktybek Abdyldaev commented on editions renaming of Service of criminal militia Ministries of Internal Affairs in the Main thing management criminal investigation department. According to him, the management Ministries of Internal Affairs made the correct decision as Kyrgyzstan was the assignee of Criminal investigation department in Soviet Union. - In Ministries of Internal Affairs made the correct decision, having renamed SKM Ministries of Internal Affairs into GUUR Ministries of Internal Affairs, - Myktybek Abdyldaev emphasized. - It is necessary to return names of all former services and anything new...