Shipments of soy in Paraguay in 2021 fell to 4,4% in comparison with the similar period of last year

@Zerno On-Lajn
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More than 6,3 million tons of soybeans were realized from Paraguay on foreign markets following the results of 2021. Such data analysts published Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) the countries in the report, transfers the AgriCensus edition. In comparison with 2020 indicators of export of the South American oil-bearing crop were reduced by 4,4% – from 6,62 million tons. So, during the reporting period the main importer of Paraguayan soybeans still there was Argentina – a share in 72,4% of the total amount of deliveries of culture. In natural expression indicators decreased by 2020 by 8,9% – to 4,58 million tons. Meanwhile, export of soy to Brazil...