The director "Krymavtodora" resigned

@RIA Novosti
Show original the Director "Krymavtodora" resigned the Director "Krymavtodora" resigned - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", 17.01.2022 Director "Krymavtodora" resigned the Director of the state enterprise "Krymavtodor" Krasyuk Sergei wrote the application for dismissal at own will, the head of the republic Krasyuk Sergei reported... Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", 17.01.2022 2022-01-17T16:35 2022-01-17T16:35 2022-01-17T16:36 policy Republic of Crimea / html/head/meta [@name ='og:title']/@content/html/head/meta of [@name ='og:description']/@content https://cdnn21.img.ria...