The Sverdlovsk governor Kuyvashev began reform the authorities in the region (DETAIL)

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According to EAN, the minister of the international and foreign economic relations Sverdlovsk Region Vasilii Kozlov can receive already today the official status of the deputy of a gubernatorayevgeniye Kuyvashev. In this regard insiders already discuss new drawing of the structure of the power in the region. "To it will reallot DEPARTMENT STATE HOUSING AND STROITEL SUPERVISION SVERDLOVSK REGION and its present MINVES. Earlier both departments were closed directly on the governor. Plus part of functionality Chemezov Oleg (the vice governor - EAN comment) and Aleksey Shmykov (the first, "economic" deputy governor - primas...
Vasilii Kozlov
Last position: Deputy governor (Government of the Sverdlovsk region)
Aleksey Shmykov
Last position: Deputy governor (Government of the Sverdlovsk region)
Chemezov Oleg