Deputies Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir region suggested to cancel the statement of vice governors

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Vladimir, on January 15 - AIF-Vladimir. The bill on cancellation of coordination of deputy governors is introduced in Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir region. Deputies consider that there are no reasons to put a spoke in the wheel the acting acting who needs to form own team. Let's remind that procedure of the statement of candidates for a position of the vice governor was entered by Orlova Svetlana. Since 2018 parliamentarians approved surnames of six deputies. Mokhovikov Igor, Korotaev Mikhail and Shevchenko Sergei left the posts. Arkady Aleksandrovich Botsan-Kharchenko and Alexander Aleksandrovich Remiga work to this day. On Roman Godunin...
Alexander Aleksandrovich Remiga
Last position: Acting as the First Deputy Governor (Administration of the Vladimir region)
Roman Godunin
Last position: Acting as deputy governor (Administration of the Vladimir region)
Orlova Svetlana
Mokhovikov Igor