The new place of work of the ex-deputy chairman of Government of the Astrakhan region] became know

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The former deputy the chairman of Government of the Astrakhan region Dmitry Ovchinnikov returned on a post of the vice rector FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SAMARSKY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY", FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SAMGTU", TO SAMGT, SAMARA STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY where worked earlier. The profile for which in Samara "Polytechnic University" the ex-member of the Astrakhan Cabinet of Ministers is responsible was replaced only. If earlier it was development personnel potential higher education institutions, now – educational projects and information policy. Earlier practically all career Dmitry Ovchinnikov Dmitry Ovchinnikov is connected with Samara Region: here he headed school, directed Regional ministry and administration of the governor...