It became simpler to reach to Murmansk

@Murmanskij vestnik
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Photo: Yeshchenko Sergei From this year, reported at operational meeting in Government oblasti the minister transports and road economy Artem Aleksandrovich Grishin, in the region volumes of transportations on intermunicipal routes are considerably increased. Communication of the regional center with suburbs is improved on the average on a quarter. The number of flights to Severomorsk (route No. 105), Output (110) and Mishukovo (111) grew by 20 percent. Intensity of movement on the 106th route in the airport increased by 25 percent, and on the 140th (Dairy) and 120th (Tulom) – for 36 percent. As a whole in area 175 routes of the public work...
Artem Aleksandrovich Grishin
Main activity:Official
Yeshchenko Sergei
Government oblasti
Government Agency