To Rostov Region in 2021 deleted from the register 2,5 thousand shareholders

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To Rostov Region in 2021 about 2,5 thousand surnames are deleted from the register of the deceived shareholders. The Don governor Vasily Golubev. Nearly 2,5 thousand people which have become victims of construction pyramids, received compensation payments or keys from apartments. information agency "REGNUM" reported that on Don the decision to finish construction two apartment houses on Stepan Razin Street in Rostov-on-Don and Mira Street in Aksay was made. In Rostov-on-Don also will start construction works in one of sections of the problem house on 1st Barrikadnoy Street. On these purposes to the building...
Vasily Golubev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Rostov region)
Bulatova Catherina