Prosecutor's office Ust-Kan district Altai Republic took part in the New Year's Eve stock "Fir-tree of Desires"

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor Ust-Kan district Akchina A.N. joined the New Year's Eve charitable event "Fir-tree of Desires", it removed from a fir-tree an envelope with desire of being trained MBOU "Ust-Kanskaya secondary general education school", schoolgirls of the 5th class Bobonova Eleonora. Bobonova Eleonora is brought up in a large and needy family, mother of children is brought up by one. The girl wished to visit long ago prosecutor's office Ust-Kan district as work of the prosecutor is interesting to it. Staff of prosecutor's offices the area conducted tour on prosecutor's office the area, told the girl about a profession of the prosecutor and handed over it a soft toy and a sweet gift...