Experts Udmurt Republic commented on the environmental issues sounded by President of the Russian Federation

@Moja Udmurtija
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During annual traditional press conferences Vladimir Putin mentioned environmental issues. The head of state noted that one of key tasks "garbage reforms" became creation of the corresponding operators and ensuring separate concentration of garbage. Chapter Udmurt Republic Alexander Brechalov noted that since the beginning of realization of reforms the quantity of collected waste in the republic grew twice. Also, unauthorized dumps are liquidated. Since 2019 their number was reduced by a third. The minister of natural resources and environmental protection Udmurt Republic Denise Nikolaevich Udalov emphasized that in 2020 sorting...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 738
Alexander Brechalov
Last position: Head of the Udmurt Republic (Head of the Udmurt Republic)
Denise Nikolaevich Udalov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Udmurt Republic)
Sitdikov Ramil
Marinin Yvan