The department of the consumer market calculated the Russian salad salad index

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The department of the consumer market calculated the Russian salad salad index Annually Department of Consumer Market of the Rostov region counts the Russian salad salad index. The approximate cost of the most popular New Year's dish corresponds to average salary on the region. This year an index indicator – 71,6. So many salads the average inhabitant of Don can prepare on the salary. For calculation specialists of department took the average prices of Russian salad ingredients: 23,50 rub (potatoes of 0,5 kg. ) %2B 149 rub (chicken breast of 0,5 kg. ) %2B 75 rub (4 cucumbers — about 300 gr. ) %2B...
Irina Telarova
Last position: Director (Department of Consumer Market of the Rostov region)