For evasion of taxes will judge the deputy of Legislative assembly of Irkutsk region Svetlana Petruk

@MK.RU Irkursk
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In Padunskaya district court Bratsk Irkutsk region criminal case concerning the chief engineer LLC "PRODUCTION AND COMMERCIAL COMPANY", the deputy of Legislative assembly of Irkutsk region Svetlana Petruk and two more residents of Bratsk who are accused of evasion of taxes for total amount by about 77 million rubles arrived. About end of a legal investigation the press service of Investigation department of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation on Irkutsk region, reported about number of persons involved in business — prosecutor's office the region, the surname of the main person involved is called by Irsiti news agency with reference to a source in law enforcement agencies. the accused carried out Evasion of taxes in 2015-2018. For this purpose they included in...