In Art & Brut gallery started a New Year's art market

@RBK Stil'
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In Art %26 Brut gallery started a New Year's art market In the next seven days in Art %26 Brut gallery it is possible not only to look and get works more than 50 authors, but also to communicate to their founders C 18 on December 26 in Art %26 Brut space (Armyansky Lane, 1/8, p. 1) there will pass the market of the modern art organized by Sample galleries, "Association", Art %26 Brut and OilyOil. On it painting, graphics, a sculpture, ceramics and prints will be presented. On a market will present works Dubinsky Aleksey, Mischa Nikatin, Zabolotny Alexander, Totibadze Nana, to EXANTRES, Likhogrud Nadezhda...
Dubinsky Aleksey
Zabolotny Alexander
Totibadze Nana