The Voronezh court protected not imparted deputy discharged of work

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To Voronezh Region court partially satisfied claim the employee of "Minudobrenie" and the deputy of the Rossoshansky City Council discharged of work due to the lack of an inoculation. The human rights activist Sivoldaev Ilya. "Rossosh district district court Voronezh region made the decision on partial satisfaction claims on protection of the labor law of the bureaucrat of purification of gas of shop of production liquid mineral fertilizers JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MINUDOBRENIYA" Fomenko Vladimir, Council of people's deputies city settlement Rossosh city from Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Court recognized illegal its discharge from work without...
Sivoldaev Ilya
Fomenko Vladimir
Streltsova Natalia
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.
Government Agency