A small startup against giants: Kytch can repair breaking cars for McDonald's ice cream — it is not necessary for a network

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Jeremy O'Sallivan and Nelson Melissa constructed the device which prevents breakage of automatic machines for ice cream — problems with them are in 10% of restaurants McDonald’s. Despite losses of the franchisee, a network him forbade and almost destroyed Kytch. Cars for ice cream from companies are installed by Taylor more than in 13 thousand restaurants to McDonald's to United States of America and in tens of thousands worldwide. They at the same time make milkshakes and ice cream and give out till ten portions in a minute. But these devices constantly break, writes Wired. In 2020 one of clients of a network developed a site McBroken.com...
Nelson Melissa
Klar Sant
Gembl Tyler
Wilson Matt
Minard Jim
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
Main activity:Finance
Technology creator:John O’Sallivan