Russians Abdulaev Ramazan and Misirov Ismail won "silver" of the Grand Slam to Abu Dhabi

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In the first day of tournament in the capital of Emirates representatives of combined our country managed to ascend to the podium twice. To 60 kg the defending champion of the country Abdulaev Ramazan in morning part passed Mongol Byambasuren and Ukrainian Veredybu in weight category. In a semi-final Abdulaev Ramazan broke resistance of the sixfold bronze prize-winner of tournaments "World series" Frenchman Cedric Revol. In the final against the leader of a world rating, the vice-champion of the Olympic Games to Tokyo, the representative Tai-Beng Jung - Yanga Vey, Abdulaev Ramazan some seconds prior to a gong passed a throw from knees. Time to win back "vase-ari" any more...
Анзор Борисович Гаунов
Last position: Coach of department of the organization and training of national teams of sports department (OPOO "FDR")
Abdulaev Ramazan